
Want to say “hi” to me?  Go for it!  Please use the form below. No spam, please!
Products I’ve

I welcome the opportunity to review new products.  Please note that I reserve the right to accept/decline offered product review opportunities.  Any reviews I share will be honest, based on my experience with the product.

I am neither a medical professional nor a skin care expert.  I’m happy to hear from you but cannot offer any medical advice or recommendations.

*Due to a high volume of use of this form, there may be a delay in my response to your message. I am one person and do not have assistants or a staff to help me read/reply. I reply to messages personally without the use of templates for responses. This, combined with weeding out the many messages from spammers and scammers, has made clearing my inbox a slow process. Thank you for understanding that I am doing my best to respond as quickly as I can.🌸