RubyLux All Red Light Therapy Bulb

RubyLux all red light therapy for rosacea bulbProduct Name: RubyLux All Red Light Therapy Bulb

Brand/Manufacturer: RubyLux

Green/Natural ingredients: N/A

Did I buy it more than once?: N/A

How long did 1 purchase last?: Still going but website says a 2 year average lifespan.

Where to Get a RubyLux All Red Light Therapy Bulb

Flag-USA USA:RubyLux ALL RED High Intensity LED Bulb 640 to 660nm at

What does it claim to provide?

A high-power LED bulb that is composed of 38 red LEDs that provide wavelengths from 640 nm to 660 nm. No specific skin care claims are made about the benefits of using this product, though it is meant to be used on the skin.

My Review of this LED Light Therapy Product

What’s in the box?

1 bulb, bubble wrap.

Eye protection goggles are recommended and are sold separately.  The bulb must be used with either custom covers or plastic wrap which are also sold separately.

2 thoughts on “RubyLux All Red Light Therapy Bulb

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